I recently read an article by sports writer Lee Russakoff called “LeBron’s a Diva…And It’s Our Fault.” (Check it out here: http://www.comcast.net/articles/sports-nba/20100707/Russakoff-LeBron-Diva/ ) I’ll be honest; I don’t really follow the NBA. I don’t really care to. But all this crazy free-agency has me intrigued. It seems all the big names players are leaving their iconic teams for the money, the fame, and the chance to bring their big name to a big, new market.
I remember a time when, to LeBron James, playing for his hometown Cavs meant everything. And the past few years, money became more and more his deciding factor. In 2003 when LeBron left high school and graduated to the big leagues, he was all the rage across the country. This “King James” was the next Wilt Chamberlain, the next Doc J, the next Kobe. Kids all around the world wore the jersey of a kid who had just stepped onto the scene. Fans put the future of the league directly into his hands. And he took it, and ran with it.
He’s certainly living up the fame and fortune that have fallen into his lap. And his free agency will certainly be the biggest story this offseason. No doubt, LeBron knew that. He’s had teams courting him, left and right, and wants a city that will surround him with stars, but where his will still shine the brightest. Planned around the 4th of July, around the World Cup, even around the Coney Island hot-dog-eating-contest, his strategy gives him the most media coverage possible. So his announcement will come on ESPN tomorrow night with its own hour-long special leading up to the live decision. Make no mistake, LeBron is cashing in on every ounce of attention the American public is willing to give him.
For a guy that’s scored some 15,000 points in his first six years in the league so far, he might deserve the hype that trails him. But is it completely necessary to track the every move of one player, every meeting he attends, and every deal put on the table? I have to agree with Russakoff, it is our fault. LeBron hopped onto this scene as a kid, and we only gave him the attention any superstar would expect. So while this whole event (it’s a free agency decision…let’s not forget that…) may be quickly turning into a circus, let’s hope that the free agents in every sport don’t follow suit.
LeBron, just tell the world where you’re going and be done with it. I’m only going to check online when this whole thing’s over anyway. Wait, you didn’t actually think I was going to watch your hour-long special now, did you, LeBron?
I remember a time when, to LeBron James, playing for his hometown Cavs meant everything. And the past few years, money became more and more his deciding factor. In 2003 when LeBron left high school and graduated to the big leagues, he was all the rage across the country. This “King James” was the next Wilt Chamberlain, the next Doc J, the next Kobe. Kids all around the world wore the jersey of a kid who had just stepped onto the scene. Fans put the future of the league directly into his hands. And he took it, and ran with it.
He’s certainly living up the fame and fortune that have fallen into his lap. And his free agency will certainly be the biggest story this offseason. No doubt, LeBron knew that. He’s had teams courting him, left and right, and wants a city that will surround him with stars, but where his will still shine the brightest. Planned around the 4th of July, around the World Cup, even around the Coney Island hot-dog-eating-contest, his strategy gives him the most media coverage possible. So his announcement will come on ESPN tomorrow night with its own hour-long special leading up to the live decision. Make no mistake, LeBron is cashing in on every ounce of attention the American public is willing to give him.
For a guy that’s scored some 15,000 points in his first six years in the league so far, he might deserve the hype that trails him. But is it completely necessary to track the every move of one player, every meeting he attends, and every deal put on the table? I have to agree with Russakoff, it is our fault. LeBron hopped onto this scene as a kid, and we only gave him the attention any superstar would expect. So while this whole event (it’s a free agency decision…let’s not forget that…) may be quickly turning into a circus, let’s hope that the free agents in every sport don’t follow suit.
LeBron, just tell the world where you’re going and be done with it. I’m only going to check online when this whole thing’s over anyway. Wait, you didn’t actually think I was going to watch your hour-long special now, did you, LeBron?